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Careers in Water

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The Water Replenishment District (WRD) and West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin)are proud to provode  resources for Careers in the Water Industry. Take a look at our Water Industry Careers Video Library. 


High School Lesson Plan .pdf

Lesson Plan Objective:

1. Students will be able to introspectively explore, analyze and describe their: 

     a. Aptitudes toward academic and vocational disciplines and preffered life-experineces

     b. Preferred work responsibilities and tasks

     c. Preferred work environments

2. Students wll be able to browse through a video library and view short, self-recorded testimonies of water professionals describing their job positions. Students will be encouraged to compare their career aspirations to selected water jobs and identify those water jobs that closely align with the aspirations as well as those positions that do not align.

3. Students share their findings in a group discussion.

For program information, please contact event coordinators at or

Meet The Panel 

Get ready to learn about Careers In the Water Industry! Click on the video link below to learn more about our panelists!


May contain: flyer, brochure, poster, advertisement, paper, person, and human

Stephanie Cuevas

Senior Government Affairs Representative


May contain: person, human, poster, advertisement, flyer, brochure, paper, and text

Camille Castillo 

Water Resources Engineer


To watch the complete webinarclick here 



Water Industry Careers Video Library 

The water industry is an exciting and fulfilling career path for all learners! This new and exciting program is designed to encourage students in 6th grade through community college to consider diverse career options in the water industry.


May contain: person, human, text, id cards, and document

Josi Jenneskens

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyst

Video Release Date: 2020


May contain: tie, accessories, accessory, text, person, human, suit, clothing, coat, overcoat, apparel, id cards, and document

Moises Santillan

Assistant Hydrogeologist

Video Release Date: 2020


May contain: clothing, apparel, person, human, hardhat, helmet, and hat

Jason Kung

Operations Analyst

Video Release Date: 2020


May contain: text, person, human, id cards, and document

Uzi Daniel 

Operations Manager

Video Release Date: 2020


To watch the complete webinar, click here: Water Industry Careers Panel - October 2020 - YouTube

A Day In the Life of A Hydrogeologist 

What is a hydrogeologist?
A hydrogeologist is a person who studies the ways that groundwater (hydro) moves through the soil and rock of the earth (geology).


Do you wonder what it is like being a hydrogeologist? Check out the video highlighting two of WRD's very own hydrogeologists!

A Day in the Life of a Hydrogeologist